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Very powerful idea! I like it!

I think we are too often guilty of feeling guilty for taking steps to increase our comfort. Well, we deserve it, don't we?

Hard to do because I think I feel selfish, but that's really not it at all. I've paid, and continue to pay, my dues, right?

Well said, yet again!

Happy Easter, Birdie!I see your diagnosis date is around mine, and this Easter marks my 20th anniv. of my diagnosis of t1. As a "Treat" to myself, I bought your book. I am also working on one of my own that I had hoped would be done by now, but it's not. Ah well.. much love!

Birdie - the notion of comfort is like a great big wheel with many spoke, making it strong for a smooth ride - emotional comfort, physical comfort, environmental comfort, etc.
Several months ago I got a big bloodspot on my pillowcase from 2 a.m. testing. I did not treat it promptly and so a shadow of the stain remains. Now, only I know it's there, and I could certainly turn the pillow over. It still bothers me, just like all of the aspect of db that nobody else is aware of bother me.
ANd the "no no no ----you don't need new ones" jingle keeps playing in my head.
On President's Day, there was a sale at Macy's and I serendipitously was walking through the linen department. Pillowcases were on sale, some marked way down. I impulsively got a pair and was even late strolling back to the office.
No one minded. In fact, somebody remarked, "oh Kathy, it's good to see you got out today for lunch - you seldom go shopping.....".
In the evenings since, I've laid my head on peach Egyptian cotton with satin piping. Now that is my idea of comfort.

My son was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at the age of 18 months. He is now age 26 but neither him or I have ever managed to control his erratic blood glucose levels. His diagnosis was in 1985, 2 days before easter - the days of syringes, insulin bottles, and a rather cumbersome blood glucose monitor by today's standards.

I still have his record books of all his blood tests along with lists of his carbohdrate intake.I tested his blood sugar 12 pm at night before I dare go to sleep. If the blood test was average - then I would set the alarm for 3.am in order to prevent him from going hypo. It was either that or take a risk, wake him up, and give him food which could end up with him waking up with a high blood glucose level in the morning! A constant dilema for me at night time.

My son ges through phases where he gets very depressed and down-hearted about his diabetes and I must admit that it has got in the way alot in terms of what he has wanted to do for a career etc.

He passed his driving test a few years ago - and this seems to have give him a new lease of life - but recently I read an article in the press that said that new EU regulations for diabetics (predominantly type 1) would be enforced and that the DVLA would be making these changes in October this year. Apparently - the change is based on hypos - hence - questioning a diabetics ability to drive safely.

My son would be devastated if he lost his driving licence. He has a long medical history of hypoglycemia, and I am trying to find out if the DVLA are going to ask for medical history reports as a means of assessing diabetic's in the future?

Please refer to this article:


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